Logical Biological specialise in supplying respiratory disease swabs, serum, plasma and saliva. We currently have a wide range of nasal and nasopharyngeal influenza swabs available.
Available material currently includes:
- Flu A dry swabs with Ct values 26-37 tested on Hologic Panther Fusion Flu A/B/RSV RT-PCR. All are SARS-CoV-2 Negative
- Flu A VTM and UTM swabs collected between 2019 and 2023 with Ct values 16-39 tested on Hologic Panther Fusion Flu A/B/RSV RT-PCR
- Nasopharyngeal Flu B VTM and Copan UTM swabs with Ct values 22-36. Various testing methods
- Flu A and Flu B swabs in Copan UTM with Ct values 28-36, tested on Altona Flu test
- Flu A and Flu B swabs in Copan UTM with wide range of Ct values tested on Thermo Taqman Multiplex PCR
- Negative swabs are also available.
COLLECTING NOW: Dry swabs for Flu A or Flu B, tested via a CE-marked test.
Contact us with your requirements: